Sunday, March 13, 2011

Inside the house...

Living room ceiling.  Wire mesh strips hanging.
The ceiling is another story.  My son, the struggling college student needed some part-time work so he volunteered to tear the old plaster ceilings out.  Not an easy job.  Plaster is thick and heavy and I wouldn't have torn down the whole thing but the chimney had leaked over the years and damaged the ceiling on both sides.  Since the plaster had a swirl pattern to it, it would have been hard to repair and I decided new insulation would help with heating bills.  So, out it came, but not without a fight.  The plaster had iron mesh strips in it that ran across the ceiling and then down into the walls!  Well, now we had to do the walls because we might just as well insulate them better too.  By the time it was all over, there was so much plaster dust in the house everything we touched was white.
What a mess!